The new set books for high schools/secondary schools will run for a period of five years, that is from 2022 to 2026.
2022/2026 English set books for secondary schools
- Father of Nations by Paul B. Vitta (complusory English Novel for 2023 form threes) replaces Blossoms of the Savannah
- The Samaritan by John Lara (complusory play for 2023 form threes) replaces A Doll’s House by Henry Ibsen
- Artist of the floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro (optional novel for 2022 form threes) repaces The Pearly by John Steinbeck
- A Silent song and other stories by edited Godwin Siundu (optional short stories for 2022 form threes) replaces Memories We Lost
- Parliament of Owls by Adipo Sidang (optional play for 2023 form threes) replaces Inheritance by David Mulwa
NOTE: In the three optional books, students have to choose one.
2022/2026 Kiswahili set books for secondary schools
- Bemmbea by Dr. Timothy Moriasi (Tamthilia for 2022 form threes) replaces Kigogo by Pauline Kea Kyovi
- Mapambazuko ya Machweo na Hadithi Nyingine (Hadithi Fupi for 2022 form threes) replaces Tumbo Lisiloshiba ba Hadithi Nyingine
- Nguu za Jadi by Prof. Clara Momanyi (Riwaya for 2023 form threes) replaces Chozi La Heri by Assumpta K. Matei
NOTE: For 2023 form threes or for 2022 form threes means that only form threes of that year will do the setbook in KCSE exams.
Who are the publishers. It’s always good to include the publisher.
I need the summery of current set book
Can I get a soft copy of the setbooks?
will the same books be done with 2027 candidates?
will the same books be used
with 2027 candidates?