Nursery Rhymes-Part 11-20
This is a collection of Nursery Rhymes videos that you can sing along with your little ones. You can order also request the CDs(Only Audio, MP3) or DVDs(Video) for these so that you can use them offline.You can WhatsApp us through, +254 717 695802 or use the contact form.
All collections(Click any of the links)
- Nursery Rhymes Collection-Part 1-10
- Nursery Rhymes Collection-Part 11-20
- Nursery Rhymes Collection-Part 21-30
- Nursery Rhymes Collection-Part 31-40
- Nursery Rhymes Collection-Part 41-51
Nursery Rhymes Collection Part 11:
Go to your favorite counting song by going to the time stamped title below:
- 00:19 Row Row Row Your Boat
- 03:27 Brother John
- 06:04 Ten in the Bed
- 09:36 Little Miss Muffet
- 11:52 Bingo Song
- 15:04 Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
- 17:04 ABC Song
- 18:59 Yankee Doodle
- 21:03 Hot Cross Buns
- 23:18 This Little Piggy
- 25:40 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
- 28:15 London Bridge is Falling Down
- 30:48 Twinkle Little Star
- 33:29 Wheels on the Bus β Animal Sounds Song
- 36:50 Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- 39:24 Mary Had a Little Lamb
- 41:47 Jack and Jill
- 44:08 Wheels on the Bus
- 46:52 Hey Diddle Diddle
- 49:09 Rig a Jig Jig
- 50:59 If You`re Happy and You Know It
- 52:54 Hickory Dickory Dock
- 55:47 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- 57:34 Rain Rain Go Away
- 01:00:21 Once I Caught a Fish Alive
Nursery Rhymes Collection Part 12:
Go to your favorite song by going to the time stamped title below:
- 00:19 Hot Cross Buns
- 03:31 If You`re Happy and You Know It
- 05:39 Jack and Jill
- 08:10 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
- 10:03 Brother John
- 12:23 One Little Finger β Part 1
- 14:44 Wheels on the Bus β Animal Sounds Song
- 18:05 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- 19:52 Humpty Dumpty
- 22:00 This Little Piggy
- 24:22 Johny Johny Yes Papa
- 26:35 One Potato, Two potatoes
- 28:30 Rig a Jig Jig
- 30:19 Five Little Ducks
- 33:02 Colors Song
- 37:06 Rain Rain Go Away
- 39:59 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- 42:52 Itsy Bitsy Spider
- 45:15 Apples and Bananas Part 2
- 47:31 Row Row Row Your Boat
- 49:38 Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- 52:12 Bingo Song
- 54:53 ABC Song
- 56:49 One Little Finger β Part 2
- 59:10 The Phonics Song
- 01:01:43 Mary Had a Little Lamb
- 01:04:06 Hickory Dickory Dock
- 01:06:59 Hey Diddle Diddle
Nursery Rhymes Collection Part 13:
Go to your favorite song by going to the time stamped title below:
- 00:19 Ten in the Bed
- 07:04 Wheels on the Bus
- 04:40 Little Miss Muffet
- 10:04 Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
- 12:12 Yankee Doodle
- 14:46 Rock a Bye Baby
- 18:47 Hot Cross Buns
- 21:02 Johny Johny Yes Papa
- 23:15 This Little Piggy
- 25:37 Apples and Bananas Part 2
- 27:53 Brother John
- 30:13 Twinkle Little Star
- 32:54 Wheels on the Bus β Animal Sounds Song
- 36:14 Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- 38:49 Humpty Dumpty
- 40:57 Jack and Jill
- 43:19 Mary Had a Little Lamb
- 45:41 Hey Diddle Diddle
- 47:59 Rig a Jig Jig
- 49:46 Five Little Ducks
- 52:32 If You`re Happy and You Know It
- 54:24 Itsy Bitsy Spider
- 56:47 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- 59:40 Rain Rain Go Away
- 01:02:27 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
Nursery Rhymes Collection Part 14:
Go to your favorite song by going to the time stamped title below:
- 00:19 ABC Song Part 2
- 03:53 Five Little Ducks
- 06:53 Number Train
- 11:10 Bingo Song
- 13:59 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
- 16:23 The Phonics Song
- 18:56 Hickory Dickory Dock
- 21:49 Wheels on the Bus
- 24:32 This Little Piggy
- 26:54 Apples and Bananas Part 2
- 29:11 Brother John
- 31:30 Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
- 33:31 Wheels on the Bus β Animal Sounds Song
- 36:51 Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- 39:26 Humpty Dumpty
- 41:34 Jack and Jill
- 44:20 One Potato, Two potatoes
- 46:14 Colors Song
- 49:57 Rig a Jig Jig
- 51:47 Itsy Bitsy Spider
- 54:10 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- 57:02 Rain Rain Go Away
- 59:49 One Little Finger β Part 1
- 01:02:10 One Little Finger β Part 2
- 01:04:32 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Nursery Rhymes Collection Part 15:
Go to your favorite song by going to the time stamped title below:
- 00:39 Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
- 03:40 Brother John
- 06:13 Bingo Song
- 09:02 One Potato, Two potatoes
- 11:27 Hot Cross Buns
- 13:42 This Little Piggy
- 16:04 Colors Song
- 19:47 Apples and Bananas Part 2
- 22:03 Twinkle Little Star
- 24:43 Rain Rain Go Away
- 27:31 Wheels on the Bus β Animal Sounds Song
- 30:51 If You`re Happy and You Know It
- 32:44 Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- 35:19 Hickory Dickory Dock
- 38:11 Humpty Dumpty
- 40:19 Hey Diddle Diddle
- 43:03 Jack and Jill
- 45:25 Rig a Jig Jig
- 47:15 Five Little Ducks
- 49:57 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- 52:50 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
- 54:44 Row Row Row Your Boat
- 56:50 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- 58:37 One Little Finger β Part 1
- 00:58 Johny Johny Yes Papa
Nursery Rhymes Collection Part 16:
Go to your favorite song by going to the time stamped title below:
- 00:19 Twinkle Little Star
- 02:59 Row Row Row Your Boat
- 05:06 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
- 07:41 Hey Diddle Diddle
- 09:59 Ten Little Snowflakes
- 13:10 ABC Song
- 15:05 Hickory Dickory Dock
- 17:58 Rain Rain Go Away
- 20:45 Baa Baa Black Sheep
- 23:44 Colors Song
- 27:26 Rig a Jig Jig
- 29:16 Five Little Ducks
- 31:59 Itsy Bitsy Spider
- 34:21 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- 37:14 Jack and Jill
- 39:38 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
- 41:32 Wheels on the Bus β Animal Sounds Song
- 44:53 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- 46:39 Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- 49:14 One Little Finger β Part 1
- 51:35 Johny Johny Yes Papa
- 53:48 One Little Finger β Part 2
- 56:10Brother John
- 58:29 If You`re Happy and You Know It
- 01:00:25 One Potato, Two potatoes
- 01:02:19 The Phonics Song
- 01:04:52 Mary Had a Little Lamb
- 01:07:15 Humpty Dumpty
- 01:09:23 Apples and Bananas Part 2
Nursery Rhymes Collection Part 17:
Go to your favorite song by going to the time stamped title below:
- 00:19 One Little Finger β Part 1
- 03:02 The Phonics Song
- 05:41 Five Little Ducks
- 08:36 Colors Song
- 12:19 Bingo Song
- 15:00 One Potato, Two potatoes
- 16:55 ABC Song Part 2
- 19:32 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- 21:18 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
- 23:12 Number Train
- 27:14 Wheels on the Bus β Animal Sounds Song
- 30:35 One Little Finger β Part 2
- 32:56 Itsy Bitsy Spider
- 35:19 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- 38:12 Hickory Dickory Dock
- 41:04 If You`re Happy and You Know It
- 43:00 ABC Song
- 44:55 Rig a Jig Jig
- 46:45 Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- 49:41 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
- 52:22 Apples and Bananas Part 2
- 54:38 Johny Johny Yes Papa
- 56:51 Row Row Row Your Boat
- 58:58 Humpty Dumpty
- 01:01:06 Baa Baa Black Sheep
- 01:04:05 Jack and Jill
- 01:06:29 Twinkle Little Star
- 01:09:10 Brother John
- 01:11:29 Mary Had a Little Lamb
- 01:13:52 Rain Rain Go Away
- 01:13:52 Hey Diddle Diddle
Nursery Rhymes Collection Part 18:
Go to your favorite song by going to the time stamped title below:
- 00:19 This Little Piggy
- 03:03 Apples and Bananas Part 2
- 05:25 Brother John
- 07:58 Humpty Dumpty
- 10:06 Mary Had a Little Lamb
- 12:28 One Potato, Two potatoes
- 14:23 Rig a Jig Jig
- 16:13 Itsy Bitsy Spider
- 18:36 Bingo Song
- 21:17 Rain Rain Go Away
- 24:04 Wheels on the Bus β Animal Sounds Song
- 27:25 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
- 29:18 One Little Finger β Part 2
- 31:40 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- 34:32 Jack and Jill
- 36:57 If You`re Happy and You Know It
- 38:52 Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- 41:27 Johny Johny Yes Papa
- 43:40 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- 45:48 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
- 48:29 One Little Finger β Part 1
- 50:50 The Phonics Song
- 53:23 Row Row Row Your Boat
- 55:30 Hickory Dickory Dock
- 58:22 Baa Baa Black Sheep
- 01:01:21 Colors Song
- 01:05:04 Twinkle Little Star
- 01:07:44 Hey Diddle Diddle
- 01:10:02 Five Little Ducks
- 01:12:44 Number Train
Nursery Rhymes Collection Part 19:
Go to your favorite song by going to the time stamped title below:
- 00:19 Rock a Bye Baby
- 05:17 ABC Song Part 2
- 08:07 Hot Cross Buns
- 10:28 Yankee Doodle
- 12:31 This Little Piggy
- 14:54 Hey Diddle Diddle
- 17:12 Brother John
- 19:31 Twinkle Little Star
- 22:12 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
- 24:46 Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- 27:21 Apples and Bananas Part 2
- 29:37 Ten Little Snowflakes
- 32:48 Row Row Row Your Boat
- 34:55 Rain Rain Go Away
- 38:04 Rig a Jig Jig
- 40:00 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- 42:52 Colors Song
- 46:34 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
- 48:28 Bingo Song
- 51:09 Wheels on the Bus β Animal Sounds Song
- 54:30 Baa Baa Black Sheep
- 57:29 If You`re Happy and You Know It
- 59:22 One Potato, Two potatoes
- 01:01:16 The Phonics Song
- 01:03:49 Mary Had a Little Lamb
Nursery Rhymes Collection Part 20:
Go to your favorite song by going to the time stamped title below:
- 00:19 Wheels on the Bus β Animal Sounds Song
- 03:53 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- 06:51 Bingo Song
- 09:32 Five Little Ducks
- 12:15 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
- 14:08 Mary Had a Little Lamb
- 16:31 Hickory Dickory Dock
- 19:23 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
- 21:36 Itsy Bitsy Spider
- 23:59 Baa Baa Black Sheep
- 26:58 Wheels on the Bus β Part 1
- 29:40 If You`re Happy and You Know It
- 31:36 One Potato, Two potatoes
- 33:30 Humpty Dumpty
- 35:38 Colors Song
- 39:34 Jack and Jill
- 42:04 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- 43:50 One Little Finger β Part 1
- 46:12 Row Row Row Your Boat
- 48:18 ABC Song
- 50:14 The Phonics Song
- 52:47 Finger Family
- 55:47 Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
- 58:22 Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- 01:00:56 Johny Johny Yes Papa
- 01:03:09 Apples and Bananas
- 01:06:11 Ten in the Bed
- 01:09:35 One Little Finger β Part 2
- 01:11:57 Rig a Jig Jig