Revision means going over your work in order to reinforce your understanding as well as remind yourself of the topics you might have forgotten. Revision also enables you to identify and fill gaps in your knowledge and make link between different topics.
Revising for your KCSE exams won’t be complete without poring over past papers to gauge your preparedness and have a feel of how the KCSE questions are set.
It is advisable to go over as many KCSE past papers as you can so as to get a general view of the scope of questions asked. You can start by reading through past KCSE papers say from the year 2000 up to now, that’s the year prior to your KCSE.
Follow the wise counsel of setting up a time table early and schedule the way you will carry out the revision in a systematic manner.
I assume you will have covered the whole syllabus either with your teachers or by yourself. Do not wait for teachers’ cues to finish your syllabus as sometimes it may not happen. Discipline yourself and work hard. It is said hard work never killed anyone so give yourself to the task fully. Be disciplined, set rules for yourself and follow them. Set a timetable and follow it. Better the pain of discipline than that of regret. Identify what works for you and use it. Whether studying late at night or early in the morning.
We have compiled KCSE KNEC past papers as well as KCSE MOCK past papers. Download the for free.
The 1995-2012 KCSE KNEC past papers are compiled as one document and most of the subjects have been compiled topically. There are also KCSE past papers for the years 2013, and 2014.
There are also KCSE MOCK past papers from various national schools as well as county mocks. Check the out here. Download the free topical mock papers and get started with your revision.
To get all the past papers, KCSE questions as well as KCSE marking schemes in a flash disc, make your request here.
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ur work iz great guyz
Than you David for your compliment.
Thank you for the compliment.