How to get A’s in this year’s KCSE Exams-Guaranteed

Love them or hate them, it’s hard to get away from exams.  All that preparation before the big day, a race against the clock as you sit at the desk, and the aftermath that sometimes feels as stressful as the exam itself. Effective technique goes beyond the exam hall. ...

KCSE Revision Past Papers

Revision means going over your work in order to reinforce your understanding as well as remind yourself of the topics you might have forgotten. Revision also enables you to identify and fill gaps in your knowledge and make link between different topics. Revising for...

Revising For Your Kcse-English Paper

Practice the language by speaking it. Read widely in the language. Read good novels, magazines,  newspapers etc. It has three papers; Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3. PAPER 1 It has three areas of concern. CLOZE TEST (10Marks) You need to read widely and learn various...