Tips For First Time Car Buyers In Kenya

Should You Import Or Buy Locally If your finances do not allow you to buy a brand new car, you can opt to purchase a foreign used car that is in good condition. The question that you are now faced with is whether to import the car or buy a locally used option....

Ways universities can start meeting CBC needs

If the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) is going to be implemented fully, it will be a game-changer, and we shall start reaping the fruits economically and socially. Under CBC, students are supposed to get an education that is applicable and useful in real life....

Skin in the Game and Engineering Training

Title: SKIN IN THE GAME AND ENGINEERING TRAINING Author Name: Eng.Benard Mumo Makaa, PE, MIEK  Abstract This paper, heuristically using case studies, explores engineering education and training and the role of having skin in the game by all concerned stakeholders....