Why You Should Start Listening To Podcasts

Technology has brought tools which have made learning possible under any imaginable environment. We now have eBooks which are accessible using any reading device, and thus you can read on the go. There also audiobooks which you can listen to while carrying out other...

The Pirate Bay of Science

  She has been called the Robin Hood of science because of her efforts to liberalize access to scientific research papers. And she is surely a boon to the ever poor graduate student, or any researcher for that matter. Alexandra Elbakyan, a neuroscientist created...

KCPE Revision Past Papers.

KCPE may be one of the life changing exams since it greatly determines the course of your higher education studies and eventually your career. If you perform well in your KCPE you get admission to any secondary school of your choice. Thus it is paramount that you and...

KCSE Revision Past Papers

Revision means going over your work in order to reinforce your understanding as well as remind yourself of the topics you might have forgotten. Revision also enables you to identify and fill gaps in your knowledge and make link between different topics. Revising for...