Was Jesus a physical weakling?-“The Man Nobody Knows”

DEAR READER: Will you set me right on one point about yourself? I’m wondering if your idea of the Christ  is  like  that of most people—a  “Man of Sorrows,”  sent  to  this  earth  to  undergo  certain  sacrificial  experiences,  glad  to get  them ...

Smart Way To Improve Your Mind & Grades

Dear Friend, Would you like to make some real improvement in your studies or those of your students or children? I do not mean a few marks or subjects here and there. I mean REAL, MASSIVE improvements. Huge shifts than you ever thought you would see. Believe it or...

Back To Eden-by Diane Atieno

ISBN: 9789966107107 Date read: 2017-07-27 How strongly I recommend it: 8/10 Deep look at friendship and courtship. It chronicles Diane and Andrews 8 year’s journey before they got married while simultaneously sharing lessons learnt. Interlaced in her story are...