The Kenyan education system has been blamed for producing half-baked graduates and attempts have been made to change it. Our education system is the same as in many other western countries, including the United States. Thus the system is not the reason for education failure in Kenya.

How can we improve on education in Kenya? Here are my suggestions which are also influenced by the book “Outwitting the Devil’ by Napoleon Hill.

The current system should be reversed by giving children the authority to lead in their school work .Rules designed to impart abstract knowledge only should be annulled.

Students should learn by doing and class work should be designed in such a way as to accomplish this. They should be encouraged to solve problems connected with daily problems of life. Perhaps, Booker T. Washington,probably the most famous black American educator ever, could offer us a little motivation. He was famous for teaching African-Americans to help themselves through practical education and hard work.

Students should be taught what to eat, how much to eat, and the relationship between proper eating and sound health.

Students should be taught how to budget and use time as time is their greatest, asset available.

Students should be taught the basic motives by which all people are influenced and how to use these motives in acquiring the necessities and luxuries of life. This should be conducted in honest manner. “How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie” should be a compulsory book across all classes.

Students should be taught the true nature and function of the emotion of sex.

Students should be taught the nature of and possibilities for good and evil in the principle of habit.

Students should be taught the difference between temporary defeat and failure, and show them how to search for the seed of and equivalent advantage which comes with every defeat.

Students should be taught to express their own thoughts fearlessly and to accept or reject, at will, all ideas of others.

Students should be taught the nature and the value of self-control, the value of harmony in their own minds and that this is attainable only through self-control.

Students should be taught that there is a law of increasing returns which can be and should be put into operation, as a matter of habit, by rendering always more service and better service than is expected of them.

Students should be taught the true nature of the Golden Rule, and above all they are to be shown how that through the operation of this principle, everything they do to and for another they do also to and for themselves.

Students should be taught that that cigarettes, liquor, narcotics, and over indulgence in sex destroy the power of will and lead to the habit of drifting with purposelessly in life.

Students should be taught the danger of believing anything merely because their parents, religious instructors, or someone else says it is so. They should be taught to face facts, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant.

Students should be taught that the place they occupy in the world is measured definitely by the quality and quantity of useful service they render the world.

Students should be taught that all schools, universities and all textbooks are elementary implements which may be helpful in the development of their minds, but that the only school of real value is the great University of Life wherein one has the privilege of learning from experience.

Students should be taught to be true to themselves at all times and, since they cannot please everybody, therefore to do a good job of pleasing themselves.

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