by BM | Aug 30, 2017 | Books
“One never knows, when he enters an elevator or tears open an envelope or picks up the telephone, what new trick of fortune may be about to be played. Every day is a new series of adventures; around the next corner may lie the event that will change a whole career.”...
by BM | Aug 30, 2017 | Blog
Book Synopsis: Everyone knew him then: Bruce Barton was a cultural icon. Two-thirds of American history textbooks today cite him to illustrate the 1920s adoration of the business mentality that then dominated American culture. Historians quote from his enormous...
by BM | Aug 30, 2017 | Books
DEAR READER: Will you set me right on one point about yourself? I’m wondering if your idea of the Christ is like that of most people—a “Man of Sorrows,” sent to this earth to undergo certain sacrificial experiences, glad to get them ...
by BM | Aug 22, 2017 | Blog, Books, Education
Dear Friend, Would you like to make some real improvement in your studies or those of your students or children? I do not mean a few marks or subjects here and there. I mean REAL, MASSIVE improvements. Huge shifts than you ever thought you would see. Believe it or...
by BM | Aug 14, 2017 | Education
The essay is called “The Common Language of Science.” It was recorded in September of 1941 as a radio address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science. The recording was apparently made in America, as Einstein never returned to Europe...